Allyship In The Workplace digital course mockup - Other Box training course.

anti-oppression training

Cultivate a strong sense of belonging in your teams.

Allyship in the Workplace is designed to clarify what allyship means and how to practice it effectively. This allyship training programme helps individuals identify and address their biases, become better allies to marginalised groups, and enable a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone to build a culture of belonging.

The benefits speak for themselves*:

  • Employees in organisations prioritising strong allyship and inclusion cultures are 50% less likely to leave.

  • They are 56% more likely to improve their performance.

  • They are 75% less likely to take a sick day.

  • They are up to 167% more likely to recommend their organisations as great places to work.

*Stats from HR Drive

Investing in allyship training enhances employee satisfaction and retention, boosts productivity and innovation, and drives long-term success for your organisation.


  • Learn what allyship means and how to practice it effectively in the workplace.

  • Understand the concept of privilege and how to use it to support and uplift underrepresented groups.

  • Gain insights into anti-oppression tactics that contribute to creating a more equitable workplace.


    Allyship is an ongoing process that involves continuous learning, unlearning, and taking action to sustain an inclusive workplace.

    Learn to actively listen to and support underrepresented groups, amplify their voices, and use your privilege to create meaningful change.

    Develop the skills to acknowledge and address your own biases, prejudices, and use empathy to understand others' experiences, and engage in difficult but necessary conversations.


Develop a strong sense of belonging in your teams by deepening your understanding of privilege, allyship, and inclusive practices.

  • Learn the foundational concepts of allyship and how to practice it effectively in the workplace.

  • Identify your allyship persona and develop strategies to support underrepresented groups.

  • Gain insights into your personal privilege and how to leverage it to support marginalised groups and show up as an impactful ally.

  • Learn how personal and societal influences shape our interactions with diverse people.

  • Explore strategies to combat oppression and promote equity within your organisation on an individual and team level.

  • Practical actions to nurture belonging and take immediate action against inequity.

Enrol in Allyship training today and become a catalyst for positive change in your workplace. Equip yourself and your team with the tools to build a truly inclusive and supportive workplace where everyone can thrive.

Allyship + Privilege training FAQs

  • Allyship is the practice of actively supporting and advocating for underrepresented and marginalised groups. It involves recognising one's own privilege and using it to amplify the voices of those who are less heard, challenge discriminatory behaviours, and promote inclusivity and equity in all areas of life.

  • Allyship in the workplace refers to the active support and advocacy of colleagues from underrepresented or marginalised groups. It involves understanding and leveraging one's privilege to amplify the voices and concerns of others, challenge discriminatory behaviours, and encourage a culture of inclusion and equity. Being an ally means committing to continuous learning, engaging in difficult conversations, and taking tangible actions to create a more supportive and inclusive environment for everyone in the organisation.

  • Allyship and understanding privilege are deeply interconnected. Effective allyship involves recognising one's privileges, which are unearned advantages based on characteristics such as race, gender, sexuality, or socioeconomic status. By understanding these privileges, allies can better appreciate the challenges faced by marginalised groups and use their advantages to advocate for equity and inclusion. This awareness helps allies to amplify marginalised voices, challenge inequities, and support systemic change within the workplace and beyond.

  • Anti-racism training specifically focuses on understanding, identifying, and combating racism. It aims to educate individuals about the systemic nature of racism, the impact of racial biases, and strategies for creating racially equitable environments. This training typically addresses topics such as racial privilege, microaggressions, and institutional racism.

    Anti-oppression training, on the other hand, has a broader focus. It's not just about racism but about understanding and addressing a variety of forms of oppression and how they all interconnect. These include sexism, homophobia, ableism, classism, and other intersecting forms of discrimination. The aim of anti-oppression training is to foster a comprehensive understanding of how these different forms of oppression interact, and to develop strategies for creating inclusive and equitable environments for all marginalised groups.

    ALLYSHIP IN THE WORKPLACE by Other Box is a form of anti-oppression training as it explores everything outlined above.

  • Allyship plays a crucial role in advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the workplace by encouraging a supportive and inclusive environment through the following ways:

    • Allies use their privilege to amplify the voices of underrepresented groups, ensuring their perspectives and experiences are heard and valued.

    • Allies play a crucial role in the workplace by actively challenging biases, discrimination, and exclusionary behaviours. Their advocacy for fair treatment and equal opportunities for all employees is a cornerstone of DEI.

    • Allies advocate for and support the implementation of inclusive policies and practices that promote diversity and equity within the organisation.

    • Allies build relationships based on trust, empathy, and mutual respect with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, encouraging a sense of belonging and unity.

    • Allies contribute to creating a culture that celebrates diversity, where everyone feels valued and supported to bring their authentic selves to work.

    • Allies commit to expanding their understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion issues, challenging themselves to take meaningful actions and drive positive change.

    By embodying these principles of allyship, individuals and organisations can work together to create workplaces that are more equitable, inclusive, and supportive of all employees, thereby effectively advancing DEI initiatives.

  • Yes, all Other Box education is interactive, engaging, and dynamic.

    We aim to break away from the dusty, death-by-PowerPoint DEI training that's out there currently, and so whatever course or format you choose, you can be sure there are interactive elements to enhance learning on an individual level and guides to enable team conversations.

  • Allyship In The Workplace is designed to be globally applicable and has been delivered in over 25 countries and counting. The principles of allyship, understanding privilege, and promoting anti-oppression are universal concepts that can be applied worldwide across different cultural and organisational contexts.

  • Allyship In The Workplace is a comprehensive and in-depth digital course accessible online for flexible learning. If you prefer a condensed version, it can also be delivered as webinars or on-site training sessions tailored to your organisation's needs.

Client Testimonials



Explore all our training to enhance your organisation's diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Look at our comprehensive offerings on our DEI courses page and discover more about our impactful training, such as Diversity Dictionary and Know Your Bias.